South Yorkshire Times January 15, 1944
” Scharnhorst’s ” Last Hours
Message From
Wombwell Seaman
A dramatic story of a ” cat and mouse ” hunt in Arctic waters and the last desperate effort of the ” Scharnhorst” to escape the British Fleet, is related in a letter received from Able Seaman, Gordon Wolsey (24), son of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolsey, Tingle Bridge, Wombwell, who was aboard the ” Sheffield.”
Wolsey says, ” There is no need for me to tell you that the Sheffield ‘ has had a bit of a birthday,’ having had a big share in the sinking of the German battleship,
Scharnhorst.’ It has been a case of cat and mouse for quite a while now with the British and German fleets,
the British fleet trying to catch the mouse. This time she went for the bait (the convoy) all right, and we as the cat had no intention of letting her get away with it.
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