Sheffield Independent – Thursday 29 December 1927
Rescue of Man From Canal
A rescue from drowning in the icy waters the canal was effected at Wombwell late Tuesday night. John Heyes, miner, 2, Hall street, Wombwell, and Elizabeth Handley, single, of 17, Roebuck street, Wouibwell, were standing near the canal in Station Road shortly after 10 o’clock when they were startled to see a coatless man approach the canal.
A moment later they saw him in the water.
With difficulty they succeeded in getting the man to the side. He was in collapsed condition, but recovered after Police-constable Micklethwaite had applied massage and first-aid treatment.
He was cared for at the Wombwell Police Station, and, later was able go home with friends.
The man was James Smith (33), 8, Queen Street, Wombwell. Recently Smith lost his speech, and is said to have worried about it.