Home Places Schools Old Boy Of Mexborough – Offered Headship Of Wombwell School

Old Boy Of Mexborough – Offered Headship Of Wombwell School

May 1959

South Yorkshire Times, May 9th, 1959

The headship of Wombwell County secondary school has been offered to an old boy of Mexborough Grammar School, Mr Frank William Betts, B.SC, headmaster of Northfleet (near Gravesend), secondary School, Kent.

On leaving Mexborough Grammar School, Mr Betts was for 10 years at Adweek Road modern School, Mexborough, leaving in 1947 for two years at Sheffield central technical School. He was appointed to Northfleet in January, 1952, after two years on the staff of Mexborough Grammar School. From 1943 to 1947 he served  as a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy.

Wombwell County secondary will now function as a merger School of over 1000 pupils, and the new headmaster will succeed Mr B. J. Chalkley, who has gone to Middlesbrough, and headmistress Miss E. Lunn who has gone to Cambridge. Mr Betts is a Rotarian, and a former goalscorer as centre forward with Denaby United’s Midland league side.