Home Industry and Commerce Mining Mitchell Main Management’s Treaty Terms – 1,400 Resume Work To-Day.

Mitchell Main Management’s Treaty Terms – 1,400 Resume Work To-Day.

February 1929

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 18 February 1929

1,400 Resume Work To-Day.

Mitchell Main Management’s Treaty Terms.

After a strike lasting a week the 1,400 employees at the Mitchell Main Colliery, Wombwell, will resume work to-day, the strike haying been called off.

On Saturday the men’s representatives had conference with the management, and the employers insisted that they could not discuss the points in dispute until work had been resumed. It was pointed out that the men had left their work without giving notice.

Yesterday a meeting of the men’s branch was held Wombwell, and they decided resume work on condition that the management would willing to discuss with the branch officials immediately the grievances which brought about the stoppage.

The strike, it will be recalled, started after two onsetters had received notice.

Arrangements were made for some men on the night shift to start work last night.