Home People Celebrations Married On 18s. A Week – Wombwell Couple Look Back Fifty Years

Married On 18s. A Week – Wombwell Couple Look Back Fifty Years

August 1939

Mexborough and Swinton Times August 4, 1939

Married On 18s. A Week

Wombwell Couple Look Back Fifty Years

Pony And Trap Wedding

The wedding took place at Netherfield Independent Chapel. Siikstone of Mr. John Mitchel, a native of the parish of Thurgoland to Miss Anice Carr of Silkstone. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John ‘ Williams. The witnesses were Mr. George Allen, who gave the bride away, and Mr. Roland White who acted as best man (For Miss Carr’s dress. see the picture).

This was on Barnsley Feast Monday, 1889. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell now living in one of the Council bungalows at 18, Copeland Road. Wombwell, will celebrates their Golden Wedding on the 19th of this month. Mrs. Mitchell dislikes fuss, so they will not have any special celebration. Their three children—two daughters ‘ and one son, all married will attend a family re-union , and the couple will probably run out to have another peep at the little chapel where they were made man and wife fifty years ago.

The Great Day

Interviewed by a Times reporter this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell recalled the great day. “lt was a lovely August day,” said Mr. Mitchell and the sun shone brilliantly for us. It was not the fashion to have cabs, but we did not walk. My father lent us a spring-trap and pony and we drove in state—a lucky couple to have a ride to church. We were lucky in another sense. We had a week’s honeymoon at Southport. which was a most unusual thing for working-class people In those days.”

Mr. Mitchell explained how they came to enjoy that special treat. He was working on the railway at the time and as man and wife they had privilege tickets Mrs Mitchell said they had been several times since to see the place where they spent that first and best holiday together.

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