Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – September 03rd, 1921

Marconigrams – September 03rd, 1921

September 1921

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 03 September 1921


Now the war is over.

The old country gets more and more like a land fit for beer-ohs.

Cyclists May discard there are lamps now, but they are advised not to do so.

A pessimist is a man who wears a belt as well as braces. – The Bishop of St Albans.

The Wath Church people have asked to be consulted in the appointment of the new Vicar.

The Wath Church fête was a very gay affair. It was Blackpool without the oysters and stout.

Most of the clubs in this district are synchronising their “permitted hours” with those of the public houses.

28 cases of enteric have been reported in the Bolton on Dearne district since the outbreak commenced on July 22.

The Manvers Main War Memorial is to be unveiled on September 18, by Major Hunter, chairman of the Manvers Main Collieries Ltd.

The local bye product industry is gradually getting going again. Some coke oven workers have just had a boom week of one and ½ shifts.

A drumhead service in memory of Thurnscoe’s fallen will be held on Sunday, and will be attended by Colonel Sir Joseph Hewitt and Mr G.H.Hirst, M.P.

Every time the teachers turn out a child who is muddleheaded they inflict the burden of an incompetent citizen in the world for 50 or 60 years. – Mr H.G. Wells

Mr T Robinson, sanitary inspector to the Bolton on Dearne Urban District Council, has been appointed chief sanitary inspector and cleansing superintendent to the Brighouse Corporation.

The Midland Railway Company are to resume the service of passenger trains between Sheffield and Doncaster via Mexborough. The service will in some respects be an improvement on the pre-war days.

“You see,” said a Conisbrough tradesman to a Mexborough friend, “we have 400 more inhabitants than you, and that keeps me so busy that I rarely have time to come over to your interesting little village.”

It is considered likely that the Ministry of Healthful adopt the Bolton Urban Council suggestion that full-time medical officer should be appointed for grouped urban districts in this area.

Will all members of the Executive and General Committee of the Mexborough Central Relief Fund be present at a meeting in the Free Christian Church at 7 p.m. On Friday (September 9)


We met a figure fiend the other day you told us he had discovered a way of totalling up half a billion in four minutes, and he proceeded to do it.

He told us that his message would make the fortune of any man who had a lot of money to count.

We forgot how he did it, for the left is very dizzy, but we are sure there is something in it – for the man who really has a lot of money to count.

But if it is his own, he really does not need to invent fancy ways of counting it.

And if it is not his own, his trade union won’t let him “tot” at the rate of a billion a minute.