Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – November 23rd, 1912

Marconigrams – November 23rd, 1912

November 1912

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 23 November 1912


There is an epidemic of measles at Mexborough, and two of the schools are closed.

Proceedings are to be taken against the Mexborough parent for failing to notify a birth.

Conisbrough Cricket Club has decided not to take part in any league cricket in future.

The Mexborough and District Licensed Victuallers planning matters are postponed until Wednesday, December 4.

A meeting of the members of the Mexborough Cricket Club will be held shortly, to consider the advisability of arranging a bazaar.

On Wednesday and Thursday next, a bazaar will be held at Conisbrough Church Hall, in aid of the Church Restoration Scheme.

The health of Mr Walter Nicholson, of Mexborough, has so far improved as to permit of his return home in the course of the short time.

It is proposed to erect a tablet in Denaby Main Church to the memory of those who lost their lives in the Cadeby disaster in July 9.

The Trolley Omnibus scheme, as exclusively outlined in these columns last week, has been the chief topic of conversation in the week.

The man in the street appears to welcome the announcement, but from the public representatives of Mexborough, was at Bolton we hear of nothing but strenuous objections to the proposals.

The Mexborough Council have already decided to lodge formal objection to the Bill.

From information we can gather, it is probable that Wath and Bolton Council will also oppose the Bill.

Mexborough Council on Wednesday evening appointed Alderman Watson, J.P. to represent them at the County Council enquiry into the application for two additional Guardians.

At present Mexborough with its 15,000 inhabitants, has two guardians, whilst Doncaster, with 30,000, has six representatives.

Mexborough Trades Council has been in existence 21 years, the majority of the organisation celebrated by a dinner held on Monday evening.

From our report of the Church bazaar which was held at Wombwell last week, the name of Mrs T.W.H. Mitchell as holder of the tobacco store was inadvertently omitted.

It is suggested that a gentleman social club to be formed at Mexborough, and already several gentlemen taking steps to draw up a scheme.

It is proposing to set Mexborough a new fire alarm system, to establish immediate communication in case of fire between the fire station and that all firemen will reside in various parts of the town.

It has been stated that a record number of births and be registered at Swinton during the past three months. The projected baby show at the forthcoming Church bazaar should prove to be an interesting competition.

A meeting of the Mexborough and Swinton Property Owners Association will be held on Tuesday evening next, in the Public Hall, Mexborough at 7 o’clock, for the purpose of electing a president, vice president and Counsel for the ensuing year.

A large gathering of Congregationalists is expected at Goldthorpe today (Saturday) on the occasion of the opening of the new Congregational Church. It is the first Mission Church erected in connection with the South Yorkshire coalfield machines scheme.

The following team will represent Denaby United today (Saturday), in their Midland League encounter with Chesterfield at Denaby:

Heath, Swinbourne and Jackson, R.L, Pattison and Weston, Haggar, Blackburn, Hobson, Raybould and George Hill.

For the first time since he has been the medical officer, Doctor Huey reported to the Mexborough Council on Wednesday that no infants under one year of age has died during the month. The efforts of the Health Visitor and the Medical Officer are evidently having the desired effect.

On Tuesday in the Bradford County Court, Samuel Tingle, 15 High Street, West Melton, recovered from the Car and General Insurance company, £55 15s damages sustained in an accident at Wath, whilst riding in a motor charabanc belong to the Mexborough Motor Omnibus Co Ltd.

A quiet but pretty wedding took place at Wath Parish Church on Wednesday, the contracting parties being Mr Ruth Utley, eldest daughter of the late Mr Dennis and Mrs Utley of Cross Street, Wath and Mr Frank Turner, son of Mr Turner, of Abbey farm Rawmarsh. The honeymoon is being spent in London.