Home Courts and Crime Theft Man For Trial – Charged With House Breaking & Stealing – Chase at Wombwell

Man For Trial – Charged With House Breaking & Stealing – Chase at Wombwell

February 1939

South Yorkshire Times, February 24, 1939

Swinton Man For Trial

Charged With House Breaking and Stealing

Chase at Wombwell

Harry Ashton (56), miner, of Brookfield Avenue, Swinton, looked a pathetic figure as he stood in the dock at the Barnsley West Riding Court on Friday to answer two charges of housebreaking and stealing at Wombwell. He conducted his own defence, but asked the witnesses only two questions and the only statement he made was “I have been out of work. I am sorry I have done it.” The Bench committed Ashton for trial at the Quarter Sessions and ordered him to be remanded in custody in the meantime.

Seventeen Keys

Inspector Lambert said at 8-15 p.m. on Saturday, February 11th, he and Sergt. Moran were on plain clothes duty in Goodyear Crescent, Wombwell, when they saw prisoner come out of No. 26.

He walked away in the opposite               direction but they noticed that the house was in darkness and called upon Ashton to stop. Ashton ignored their summons but Sergt Moran went after him and he asked him if he lived at the house had just left. Ashton said he did but while they were taking him back to the house the man bolted across the garden. Sergt. Moran gave chase and soon caught him after a struggle. They found in Ashton’s possession 17 door keys, a pocket torch, three boxes of matches, two packets of cigarettes, a pair of leather gloves and 4s. in cash.

Ashton told them “I have only done two houses to-night.”

Dorothy Oxley, housekeeper, of 26, Goodyear Crescent, told the magistrates that she had left the house at 6-45, all the doors then being fastened. When she returned at 11-50 she found that the front door was unlocked, the lid of a writing desk was open and a sum of money missing. Two drawers in the sideboard were open and their contents strewn about the floor.

Sergt. Moran said that he and the Inspector were keeping observation on temporarily unoccupied houses when they saw Ashton leave No. 26 and walk hurriedly in the opposite direction. They called to him to stop but he refused and witness ran after him and caught him up. He asked Ashton whether he lived in the house they had just seen him leave and he replied, “Yes, of course I do.” He asked Ashton to return with them to the house but when they reached the front door the man bolted and ran along the rear of the house and across the adjoining gardens.

Ran After Him.

Witness ran after him and caught up with him; a struggle took place and the two officers took Ashton to the police station. In his possession were 17 door keys and the other articles mentioned, all of which were produced in court.

Ashton, when cautioned and charged, replied “I have only done two houses to-night.”

Detective Sergeant Plane said that at 11-50 a.m. on Monday, February 13th, he was present at the cells at Barnsley West Riding Court when Ashton expressed a desire to make a voluntary statement. He said that hewent to Wombwell Saturday night and walking up on a street noticed a key in the front door of a house. He said he turned the key unlocked the door and walked in. He’ later went to another house nearby and unlocked the door with of the keys he had with him.