Mexborough and Swinton Times February 15, 1929
Mr. William Potts, an employee in the Wombwell Urban’ District Council gas department, has just passed the intermediate examination of the Incorporated Secretaries’ Association. The achievement is a notable one in the circumstances.
Mr. Potts worked at Darfield Main Colliery until 1916 when joined up in the Y. and L. Regiment He was badly wounded in 1918 and it was not until two years later that he was discharged from hospital. He was an out-patient under the Pensions Ministry until 1922 when he obtained his present position at the gas works out of nearly three hundred applicants.
He first took industrial subjects at King’s Road Technical Centre at Wombwell and it was only when circumstances compelled him that he changed his line of study. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Potts, of Barnsley Road, Wombwell, four of whose children have won County Minor Scholarships.
Mr. Potts sen. has worked forty years at Mitchell Main.