Home Industry and Commerce Commercial His Nerves were Paralysed For Five Years – Now Strong and Well (Advertisement)

His Nerves were Paralysed For Five Years – Now Strong and Well (Advertisement)

April 1918

Sheffield Weekly Telegraph – Saturday 20 April 1918

His Nerves were Paralysed
For Five Years.
Now Strong and Well

Mr. Robert W. Sickley, 20 Milton Street, Wombwell. near Barnsley, says:-

“For over 5 years I suffered with nerve paralysis. My right side from the arm to the foot was completely paralysed. I had to go with a stick, trailing my leg as though it were dead.

Medical treatment proved useless in my case, and there seemed no hope of any cure. In fact was given up as unfit ever to work again, after five years of helplessness I was the same opinion myself.

But one dav I was advised to try Dr. Cassel’s tablet and very soon began to feel the benefit. Feeling and power gradually returned to my leg, and I found I could walk a little without the stick.

Then I managed to cross the street, and so it went on till now strong and well and back in my old employment.”

Doctor Cassel’s tablet are the safest and most effective home treatment for:

Nervous Breakdown
Nerve Paralysis
Spinal Weakness
Infantile Paralysis
Nervous Debility
Kidney Trouble
Stomach Disorder
Wasting Diseases
Premature Decay
Loss Of Flesh
Brain Fag

specially valuable for nursing mothers and during critical periods of life

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prices: 1/-, 1/3 and 3/- the 3/-size being the most economical