Home People Celebrations Golden Wedding – Old Wombwell Couple Celebrate – Mr & Mrs Ogden

Golden Wedding – Old Wombwell Couple Celebrate – Mr & Mrs Ogden

April 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 05 April 1941

Golden Wedding

Old Wombwell Couple Celebrate

Mr. Allen Ogden (72) and his wife Priscilla Ogden (71) of 40, Littleworth Bridge, Monk Bretton, a couple well-known at Wombwell, celebrated their golden wedding on Sunday, with a party at their home. They were married at Wombwell Parish Church on March 30th. 1091. by the Rector, the Rev. A. E. Flagman.

Mr. Ogden was born at Dukinfleld, Cheshire, but as a small boy was brought to Mexborough. The couple lived for many years at 32, Mitchell Terrace, Wombwell and Mr. Ogden worked at Mitchell Main Colliery.

Mrs. Ogden’s maiden name was Wade and she was born in High Street. Wombwell. The couple have three children and five grandchildren. One of their grandchildren is married.

Mr. Ogden was for many years superintendent of the Sunday School at Cliffe Bridge Wesleyan Reform Church, Monk Bretton, and is still treasurer.

On Monday 50 church friends assembled for a tea and concert in honour of the occasion and a clock was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Ogden.