Home People Celebrations Fifty Candles – Wombwell Couple’s Golden Wedding – Mr & Mrs Moore

Fifty Candles – Wombwell Couple’s Golden Wedding – Mr & Mrs Moore

April 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 05 April 1941

Fifty Candles

Wombwell Couple’s Golden Wedding

A golden wedding party was held on Sunday at 2, Prospect Terrace. Wombwell. The couple honouring the day were Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Moore. With them were five sons and five daughters—their entire family, together with a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The wedding cake, presented by five dutiful daughters, was decorated with 50 golden candles.

Mr. and Mrs. Moore were married at Wombwell Parish Church on March 30th, 1891 by the Rev. A. E. Flaxman.

Mr. Moore, who is 72, was born at Langley Green, Worcestershire. and came to Wombwell as an infant and later worked in the mines.

Mrs. Moore (69), whose maiden name was Lily Gleadall, was born at Tickhill.