Home Places Churches and Chapels Curate to be Ordained Priest

Curate to be Ordained Priest

December 1937

Mexborough and Swinton Times December 17, 1937

The Rev. V. S. J. Rees, curate at Wombwell Parish Church, is to be ordained priest by the Bishop of Sheffield at the Cathedral next Sunday, December 19th. It is hoped that representatives  of the Wombwell Parish will be present at the service.

Preaching at Wombwell Parish Church on Sunday morning Mr. Rees mentioned that Wednesday. Friday and Saturday of this week are Ember Days—days set apart for fasting and prayer on behalf of men who are being called to various offices in the Ministry as ministers of the mysteries of God.”

He said every true churchman should take at least as much interest in the choice of men for Holy Orders as in he choice of political Representatives.

“As My ,Father hath sent Me, even so send I you.’ He referred to the sanctity of being called to “a branch of the Catholic Church which has maintained the succession unbroken.” The Rev. V. S. J. Rees is a son of the Rev. J. J. Rees, Rector of Sampford Peverell, Tiverton., Devon. He has been in Wombwell just a year and has been a great help to the Rector, particularly in the work of the Broomhill district, where he has developed and maintained many organisations for the betterment of life and conditions in the village.