Home Industry and Commerce Town Council Councillor – William Stubbs

Councillor – William Stubbs

April 1932

Mexborough and Swinton Times, April 8th, 1932

Mr. William Stubbs achieved an apparently hopeless task for deposing Mr. “Jimmie” Wright in South-East in his first bid for public office.

Mr. Stubbs was born at Worsboro’ Common 45 years ago and has spent the whole of his working life in the mines, serving in all grades from pony driver to collier.

He began work at Lewden Colliery, Worsboro’, and has been employed at Carlton and Dinnington Main. Eighteen years ago he moved to Mitchell Main and is still employed there. Eleven years ago, he was appointed to the Checkweigh Committee and in 1924 was made sub-weighman. Three years ago he took over the treasurership of the Mitchell Main branch of the Y.M.A. and still holds that office.

He is a member of the Druids and a trustee of the Darfield Welfare Committee. He is a member of the Reform Club. In his younger days he was an active sportsman. He kept goal for Worboro’ St. Luke’s, and was also keen on boxing and swimming. He pays a warm tribute to his opponent on Saturday, saying he never met a better sportsman nor cleaner fighter.