South Yorkshire Times, April 21th 1939.
Vacated in the chair after 12 months of service Coun. T. Bradley said he felt like the motorist who had come to a “stop” signal. During the past year his colleagues on the Council had helped him wonderfully, and he was very grateful. He had helped to get through his period of chairmanship without resource to the bell, but at the 10th milestone he had found it necessary to give it a gentle tinkle. (Laughter).
He welcomed criticism, but he fought it ought to be helpful. Observing “we have had a very nice time,” he said he hoped his successor would find as much pleasure in the office.
On the motion of Coun. T. Woolley seconded by Coun T. Bird., The council extended to Coun. Bradley a vote of appreciation. Coun. Wooley said Coun. Bradley had given the town good service. He had done his best as chairman.