Home Industry and Commerce Mining Colliery Awarded Costs

Colliery Awarded Costs

July 1947

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer – Thursday 24 July 1947

Colliery Awarded Costs

At the Assizes Leeds yesterday, Mr. Justice Singleton gave judgment with costs for the Wombwell Main Company. Ltd. in an action brought against them for damages for personal injuries by Gordon Tutill (21), haulage engine driver, Barnsley Road. Wombwell.

In July. 1946 when Tutlll was employed underground, his left foot was crushed by an electric engine after the derailment of tubs. It was held yesterday that there was no negligence on the part of the company and that the engine was properly “spragged” as a safety measure against movement.

It was agreed between the parties that Tutill should receive workmen’s compensation for total Incapacity from the time of the accident to April last.