Home Places Streets and Communities Christmas and New Year Babies at Wombwell – The Third Nowell

Christmas and New Year Babies at Wombwell – The Third Nowell

January 1960

South Yorkshire Times, January 9th, 1960

Christmas and New Year Babies at Wombwell

The Third Nowell

Nineteen-sixty was only 25 minutes old when Wombwell and district’s first New Year baby came into the world. This was a daughter born to Mrs. Marion Hirst, thirty-six-years-old wife of Mr. George Hirst of 6, Schofield Place, Darfield. This is Mr. and Mrs. Hirst’s sixth child ant the name of Margot was suggested by another daughter, although this had not been definitely decided upon. Two other Wombwell district new year babies were born in the early hours of Friday in St. Helen’s Hospital, Barnsley. They were a boy to Mrs. Joyce Barker of Pearson Field, Wombwell and a girl to Mrs. Thelma Ellis of Illsley Road, Darfield.

Baby with the Christmassy– sounding name born on Christmas day was baby Nowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Nowell of 44, Gower Street, Wombwell. Tipping the scales at exactly 8lbs., baby Nowell was a real “Santa Claus” baby making his arrival more than a fortnight before he was expected.

When the other Nowell children, June (8) and John (2) asked “What has Father Christmas brought,” they were shown into the bedroom for a first glimpse of their baby brother. Mr. Nowell, a 34-years-old mine worker at Wombwell Main Colliery, and his wife Constance (29) are now looking for a name for the baby. Suggestions include many obvious ones – Christopher, David, and Noel – but Mr. Nowell said they would probably plump for the name of Brian.