Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 23 August 1909
Child Drowned At Wombwell.
A pathetic drowning case took place at Wombwell, Friday, when a child named Annie Wood, aged five years and seven months, daughter of Mr. Charles, Wood, of Chapeltown, who, along with her parents, was paying a visit to Mr. Brown, head keeper, Wombwell Wood.
It is stated that Annie and her sister, brother, and cousin, were playing outside the house five minutes past four, and half-past they were missing.
A search was made, when it was found they had strayed down to the reservoir, some 300 yards distant. Annie had fallen in, the other children being too young to render assistance.
Keepers Abblett and Oughton got, the child out, when it was found she was dead.
An inquest was held on Saturday afternoon, at Wombwell Wood by the District Coroner ,Mr. D. when a verdict of Accidentally drowned” was returned.