Home Industry and Commerce Commercial Art of Window Dressing – Valuable Trophy won by Wombwell Firm

Art of Window Dressing – Valuable Trophy won by Wombwell Firm

July 1937

Mexborough and Swinton Times July 2, 1937

Art of Window Dressing
Valuable Trophy won by Wombwell Firm

Success in the art of effective display won for the Wombwell Furnishing Company Ltd this trophy valued at £25. The cup was offered in connection with a “Show and Sell” competition organised under the supervision of the Wombwell Chamber of Trade in connection with the Coronation festivities.

Mr A J Burrows, president of the Wombwell Chamber of Trade, is presenting the cup to Mr R A Waddington, of Wath, managing director of the firm.

On the left is Mr E.S. Wroe, secretary of the Chamber of Trade; on the right, Mr C Wordley, the Company’s manager.

Reward for success in the art of effective display came into possession of one of our advertisers this week when, at a meeting of the Wombwell Chamber of Trade, they were handed a handsome silver cup valued at £25, offered in connection with a “Show and Sell” competition.

The recipients were the Wombwell Furnishing Company Ltd, which for Mr RA Waddington, of Wath on Dearne, is managing director and Mr C Wordley, of Darfield, is manager.

Open to the whole of Wombwell, the competition was organised under the direction of the Wombwell Chamber of Trade as a feature of the local Coronation festivities.

Presentation of the cup was made at the Chamber of Trade, headquarters, the Horse Shoe Hotel, Wombwell on Tuesday by Mr A J Burrows (President) a principle of the firm of T Burrows and sons, in the presence of Mr ES Wroe (secretary) and other Chamber officials. The firm were warmly congratulated on their achievement.

The display, which is being reproduced once again next week for the benefit of the public, consists of a Coronation dining set inappropriate colours – a red suite, a blue carpet, and white table, decorations being dominating shades.

Good taste and simplicity were the keynotes of the display, while high marks were gained for fidelity of detail. It was observed that a book of music on a piano in the window was opened at the “National Anthem”. The deliberate display was arranged solely by the firm’s regular employees, under Mr Waddington’s direction. The cup is for the permanent possession of the firm.