Mexborough and Swinton Times October 11, 1929
Alleged Assault.
West Melton Man For Trial.
George Speight (27), labourer, West Melton, on Tuesday, was at Rotherham West Riding Police Court, committed for trial at Quarter Sessions on a charge of having indecently assaulted his sister-in-law, Gertrude Speight, wife of Alwyn Speight, of 3, Woodfield Road, Brampton Bierlow, on Sept. 20.
Gertrude Speight said she was walking along High Street, West Melton, at about 9 1 p.m. on the day in question, and she met defendant, who said, “Where is our kid?” (meaning her husband). She said she did not know where he was, as she had not seen him since earlier in the evening. Defendant then told her he had seen her husband with another woman, and that if she went with him (defendant) to a public house she would see what was going on. She consented to go with defendant, and they walked together for a short distance. Defendant then left her, and she walked alone for some distance. She then saw the woman to whom defendant had referred, talking to some other people, and her husband was not there.
Witness and defendant followed the woman down the street for some little distance, and witness said she was going home. Defendant then said he would go and fetch her husband from the public house. He went away and when he returned he said: “I have asked Alwyn to come, but he won’t. He is playing dominoes, and the woman is standing outside the public house.”
Defendant later suggested that witness should go with him to a yard near the canal,
Defendant then gave evidence, and said he other woman. She agreed to go, and when they got there she remarked that it was dark and that she could not see anyone. It was then that the alleged assault took place
Alwyn Speight also gave evidence, and denied that he had been with another woman