Home World War Two Stories from the War Airman – Walker K.M. – Town Clerk Joins the Forces

Airman – Walker K.M. – Town Clerk Joins the Forces

August 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 29 August 1942

In The R.A.F.

Wombwell Town Clerk Joins the Forces

Mr. K. M. Walker, of Wombwell Grange. Clerk to the Wombwell U.D.C. has joined the Royal Air Force.

Since the outbreak of war Mr. Walker has been Food Executive Officer and National Registration Officer for the Wombwell Urban District and hon. secretary of the local Voluntary Information Committee of the Wentworth Parliamentary Division.

For some years he has been Clerk to the Dearne and Dove Internal Drainage Board and has held many rather important administrative posts. Most of his duties have been taken over for the duration of the war by his firm. Messrs. Bury and Walkers.

While awaiting call for the R.A.F., for which he volunteered last year. Mr. Walker has served as Acting Adjutant of the Wombwell and Darfield Squadron of the Air Training Corps, and in that capacity has done very good work, earning the respect of the cadets and the goodwill of his fellow officers and instructors.

Mr. Walker’s sister, Miss M. B. Walker has taken up nursing since the war started, and his mother. Mrs. P. M. Walker, is devoting a great part of her time to Red Cross work, being president of the Wombwell Red Cross committee. His sister Joan’s husband, Capt H. K. Abell, is now serving abroad.