Home World War Two Stories from the War Airman – Patterson, Jim – A  Jump “Flier”

Airman – Patterson, Jim – A  Jump “Flier”

March 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 28 March 1942

A  Jump “Flier”

A Jump lad “Jim” Patterson (18) of “Leomont.” grandson of Mr. William Allot, for a great many years the village schoolmaster, landed recently in Canada, where he is training as a fighter pilot in the R.A.F.

In a letter home he mays they are very happy and comfortable, and have been given a grand reception by the Canadian people. The voyage over was made interesting by filthy weather and filthier U-boats, but they landed all in one piece and are now enjoying the fat of the land, including unlimited supplies of bananas, apples and oranges.

He gained his higher school certificate and had won a scholarship to Sheffield University, and was on the high road to a successful industrial career when he gave it all up and volunteered for war service.