Home World War Two Stories from the War Airman – Diggles, Donald – Commended – ” Bag ” Was Enemy Fighter

Airman – Diggles, Donald – Commended – ” Bag ” Was Enemy Fighter

July 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 12 July 1941

Wombwell Airman Commended

” Bag ” Was Enemy Fighter

Donald Digggles (20), only son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Diggles, of Smith Street, Wombwell, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. F. Diggles well-known Wombwell tradespeople, has been commended for good work in a coastal command aircraft in which he serves as a wireless operator and gunner.

The craft in which the crew were operating shot down an enemy tighter. Sgt. Diggles, who is an old boy of King’s Road Council School. Wombwell, and Barnsley Grammar School, joined the Fleet Air Arm two months after the outbreak of war and has been flying for about twelve months.

Before joining up he was employed as an assistant in the firm’s furnishing department.