Home World War Two Stories from the War Airman – Bromley, Thomas – Sergeant-Pilot Home from Rhodesia

Airman – Bromley, Thomas – Sergeant-Pilot Home from Rhodesia

August 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 22 August 1942

Home from Rhodesia

Wombwell Sergeant- Pilot Sees Old Friends

Sergeant Pilot Thomas Bromley (19), R.A.F. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bromley, 9, Roebuck Street, Wombwell, has reached home to confirm the news that after a period of training in Rhodesia he has gained his wings.

During a short leave he renewed acquaintance with many old friends at the Futurist Dance Hall, Wombwell, which he visited along with his fiancée, Miss Joyce Charlesworth, of Wombwell Junction, who In honour of the occasion enjoyed leave from the A.T.S.

Sergeant Pilot Bromley Is an old boy of Barnsley Grammar School and was formerly a chemist’s assistant at Wombwell Main Colliery. He joined the R.A.F. in June of last year, and was sent out to Rhodesia for training two months’ later. He has a brother serving as a Leading Air Mechanic in an aircraft carrier.