Mexborough and Swinton Times, February 10, 1939
Gypsy Operetta at Wombwell
Pretty Production by Parish Church Sunday School
The ever-green legend of the princess who was stolen by gipsies and wooed by a prince in the guise of a wood-cutter, was reproduced in pleasing fashion by the children of Wombwell Parish Church Sunday School on four nights this week in the form of the operetta, “Zurika.”
The work was effectively staged in the National Schools, and has had good support. Teachers and children took the characters and all were acted with charm and sweetness. unavailable he rich
There was some excellent chorus work with Mrs. W. Barraclough as accompanist. Miss D. Moorhouse and Mr. S. Wardell were the producers.
Dashing Prince Dareall was Mabel Wardell, and the winsome maiden “Zurika,” Betty Sharpe. A heavy part involving a clever character study was that of Mary Turton, who played the gipsy woman Elspeth, who alone knew the secret of “Zurika’s” birth. Kenneth Shillito made a convincing King of Kola.
Other characters were: Jingles (Jean Gleadall), Doctor Globule (Sheila Lincoln), Castro (Peter Boothroyd). Rosebud and Bluebell (Pat Mynett and Marian Lincoln). There was a full chorus of court ladies, courtiers, gipsies, children and fairies.
Proceeds are for Sunday School funds.
A scene from the operetta “Zurika,” presented by Wombwell Church and (below) the full A new article Wombwell M Brampton WordPresscast.