Home People Children Skipping Match – Three Girls  in  Contest at Wombwell

Skipping Match – Three Girls  in  Contest at Wombwell

September 1927

Sheffield Independent – Friday 16 September 1927

Skipping Match
Three Girls  in  Contest at Wombwell

Wombwell is famous for its girl skippers. Three weeks ago a Wombwell girl achieved what was believed to be a record by skipping 1722 hops unbroken, and as a result of a challenge then issued, two girls have come forward who believe they can beat that achievement.

The girl who accomplished the big skip was Grace Wyke (13), daughter of Mr and Mrs J Wyke, Frederick St, Wombwell. Immediately after the performance she issued a challenge, and this is now been taken up by Irene Adamson (13), daughter of Mr and Mrs GF Adamson, Hadfield Street, Wombwell and yesterday by little Irish girl, Kathleen McHale (13), the daughter of a mineworker, of George Street, Low Valley and a scholar at the Wombwell Roman Catholic schools.

Arrangements have been made for the contest to take place under the auspices and in support of the Wombwell Old People’s Treat movement. It will probably be staged in about a fortnight’s time.

A doctor will examine the girls before they commence to skip to ascertain that they are quite fit and equal to the ordeal, and nurses will be in attendance to give their services if necessary