Home Industry and Commerce Town Council In Honours List – British Empire Medal for Wombwell Councillor

In Honours List – British Empire Medal for Wombwell Councillor

January 1957

South Yorkshire Times, January 1957

In Honours List
British Empire Medal for Wombwell Councillor

Councillor Edwin Wainwright (48) of 7 Kingsway, Wombwell, a member of Wombwell U.D.C.and secretary of the Darfield Main Branch of the NUM has been awarded the British Empire Medal.

Born at New Scarborough, Wombwell, he is a son of 80 years old Mr John Wainwright, who holds a certificate in recognition of over 50 years service in the mines.

Council Wainwright attended Darfield Council School, went to Darfield Main Colliery at the age of 14, and spent all his working life at that Pit with the exception of 10 weeks at Dearne Valley colliery when Darfield Main was temporarily closed down. He is at present engaged in salvage work.

Council Wainwright was elected to the committee of Dolphin Main branch of the NUM in 1934, five years later became delegate and in 1948 was elected branch secretary.

He is a member of the miner’s national executive and has toured several countries, including Yugoslavia and Germany, in search of the latest knowledge and technique in mining. He has lost no opportunity of qualified himself academically for trade union and public life, and has just completed a three month scholarship course under the auspices of the Ministry of education in conjunction with the trade unions at Cranfield aeronautical College, near Bletchley, Bucks. This was a comprehensive work-study course.

Council Wainwright was first elected a member of Wombwell U.D.C.in 1939 and served a notable period as chairman in 1940 849. He has more or less specialise in housing and has taken a prominent part in the development of Wombwell’s imposing new estate at the west end of the township around Wilson Street. He is a member of the Staincross division executive committee, a Gov of Wombwell County Secondary School and West Riding representative on the management of St Michael’s Roman Catholic school, Wombwell.

In the wider field Council Wainwright has rendered notable service as secretary of the Dearne Valley Divisional Labour Party, and elected with distinction as agent to the Labour member, the Right Honourable Wilfred paling, in at least two parliamentary elections. He married Miss Dorothy Metcalfe, of Wombwell, and they have two boys and two girls – the oldest 17 and the youngest eight.

Council Wainwright public service has been marked by modesty, understanding and unfailing approachability, but many will suspect that this well earned distinction is not unconnected with the party has played in the smooth transfer of about 450 mineworker from Mitchell Main to Darfield Main colliery. Mitchell Main was closed down recently.

This has been commented upon in high places as a model of tact and diplomacy. He has already received the congratulations of a very wide circle of friends.