Mexborough and Swinton Times, January 28, 1927
Having regard to the attacks made upon the Charleston it is interesting to have the views of an expert. Mr Albert Leake, dance master at the Wombwell Baths Hall under the Wombwell UDC, declares it is not the monstrosity some people make out.
“The steps conform to natural movement and there is nothing crude or barbaric about it. I liked the steps immediately it came out and I have had the pleasure of teaching it to hundreds already. There’s something about it one cannot resist. Apart from the attraction of the Charleston as a dance step I think it is splendid exercise for either young or old.
So far from doing people harm I have known footballers suffering from ankle trouble who have been able to dispense with bandages through the exercise they have had in doing the Charleston.
In the modified form we have adopted at the Baths, Charleston is, in my opinion, positively graceful. As with most dances young people pick it up first, but there is no reason why elderly folk should not get the step. It is simplicity itself.”