Home Events Sailor – Lawson, William – Battle of Jutland

Sailor – Lawson, William – Battle of Jutland

July 1916

Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 8, 1916

Telegraphist William Lawson

Mr Glenn Hall 35 Bartholomew St, Wombwell, received the following letter from his nephew, William Lawson, Telegraphist on HMS Duke of Edinburgh:

“I am still alive and kicking, though how, God only knows! We were in action, as you are aware, and I guess we give them a good knocking about. You could not realise what it was like. You feel the decks groaning every time we fired a salvo. They had the advantage of those that day, but we gave back better than we received, and when the real facts are known their losses will be twice as great as ours.

We (our squadron) were in line with the battle cruisers when they were tearing “Hell’s delight” out of the Huns, and shells were ploughing right between us and the battle cruisers. I thought our last days were near. We were fired at scores of times, but, by God’s mercy, they never hit us. One salvo meant for us hit a light cruiser. She took fire immediately and once dropped out of line, but was soon dancing around again with as little concern as if nothing had happened.

The Black Prince was our sister ship. Before the war this squadron was in the Mediterranean Fleet. I knew a lot of chaps on this ship and the Defence; many belong to our district, the nearest of whom was Arthur Elwis, leading telegraphist, a big pal of mine. He was on leave 10 days before we went into action. I also knew chaps on the Warrior, from Barnsley, and some of the Black Prince’s crew when in the Prince of Wales the same time that I was.

Well, I think it was marvellous how we kept clear that day. Submarines were wriggling about like worms. Our Fleets wireless played a very good part. The iron Duke was simply great. Of course they tried to jamb us, but there was nothing doing in the jambing line.

Two more telegraphists and I worked unceasingly without much to eat or drink, and not time even to get a watch. Great praise is due to the stokers. It simply beats me to tell you how we got through, but we are without a scratch, and ready for another rub at any moment.