Home Places Churches and Chapels Novelty for Wombwell – “Resurrection Day Service” in the Cemetery.

Novelty for Wombwell – “Resurrection Day Service” in the Cemetery.

April 1923

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 02 April 1923

Novelty for Wombwell.

“Resurrection Day Service” in the Cemetery.

In continuation of the custom which he established at Walkley, Sheffield, the Rector of Wombwell (the Rev. S. T. G. Smith) held a “Resurrection Day Service” in the cemetery at Wombwell yesterday afternoon.

The Bishop of Sheffield attended the service, which was most impressive, and gave an address.

There was an attendance of well over 1,000 —all denominations taking interest in the novel event.

The Parish Church choir marched in procession from the church through the main thoroughfare to the cemetery, being beaded by the Bolton Hall Brass Band.

After recalling that he had seen as many as 25,000 people at a similar service conducted by the Rector in Sheffield, his Lordship said that the words of Job: “I know that my Redeemer liveth.” represented unconscious prophecy, but they were fulfilled, in a very remarkable way. The Redeemer did stand on earth, that being the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation. Then there followed the story of the Atonement and the Resurrection.

“It is one of the greatest mistakes some religious people make,” he said, “when they always preach a dead Christ.” That was not in accordance with the Gospel. Death made all men equal. Before Christianity no one had any comfort to offer to the relatives of those who passed away. ‘

“Are we going to face death with a polluted mind and a damaged body? he asked. “Or are we to load noble heroic lives, worthy to be used by the Great Master?”

Hymns were sung to the accompaniment of an instrumental band, conducted by Mr. J. Harrington