Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 23 August 1941
“Times” Gets Around
Wombwell Man’s Letter
“I have had the ‘Times’ for the past three years in France, Belgium and Gibraltar and I can assure you that nothing is looked forward to with greater keenness by the boys from,” writes Gunner Joe Myers, a Wombwell soldier, on behalf of himself and a number of Wombwell pals. He adds, “It is good to read of the old home town but we are just a bit disturbed about all these weddings. The boys fear there will be no girls left when the time comes for us to be homeward bound.”
Gunner Myers writes to thank us for publishing his photograph and “life story” and says there are ten or twelve Wombwell lads with him who would like to get into the news.
All wish to be remembered to their pals at home, but have not time to write them all. Hence a letter to the “Times.” Gunner Myers wishes to pay compliments to all old members of the “Variety Rascals,” and to members of Wombwell Town Band if it is still on the go ; also to his old pitmates in the Beamshaw seam at Wombwell Main. He mentions the lads with him as Albert Kenworthy, Bonny Leatham, Bud Wright, Reub. Barker, Eric Timberlake, Arthur Moon and John Owen.
In a personal note he says, “Give Whim Haseldine our congratulations, and “tell Mrs. Duxbury and Mrs. Fletcher (mothers of prisoners of war) to keep their chins up.”
Finally he says, “I wish you would put a request in the paper for a little wireless set or gramophone as we have nothing to sing to or pass our leisure moments away with.
We would willingly pay the postage by return.”
Gunner Myers is 22 and a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Myers, of 41, Gower Street, Wombwell. He is an old boy of Park Street Council School, Wombwell, and joined up from Wombwell Main Colliery in1938. He came through Dunkirk without a scratch.
His present address can be obtained on application to this office.