Home People Residents Flying to Denmark – Wombwell Nurse Chosen by Ballot

Flying to Denmark – Wombwell Nurse Chosen by Ballot

July 1949

South Yorkshire Times July 30, 1949

Flying to Denmark

Wombwell Nurse Chosen by Ballot

A Wombwell girl, Miss Beatrice Harrison (27), daughter of Mr and Mrs Ben Harrison, of 47, Wath Road, Brampton, will leave England for first time next Monday. She will also have a first experience of travel by air. Before she goes she will be an affectionate of au revoir to 11 sick children in the City General Hospital, Sheffield where she is employed as a student nurse.

Elected by ballot among her colleagues, she is one of 25 nurses from all parts of England who have been invited to spend a fortnight as guests of student nurses in Denmark. She is one of four nurses responsible for the care of young T.B. meningitis sufferers in the “Children’s Ward.”

The honour came to her by a large majority. The party will leave by a Belgian plane from London, touching down at Brussels on the way to Copenhagen, where they will attend, the inauguration of a student nurses’ organisation in Denmark. After having a good look at Copenhagen, they will be dispersed in small groups to various hospitals on a map that this yeah I Wisbech during an all-night no they appear the Danish coast-line.

Born at Wath, Miss Harrison attended Brampton Ellis School, leaving to take a post as a dispenser she at Wombwell. For two years she was manageress of a Taylor’s Drug Stores, in Woodhouse Lane, Leeds.

She took up nursing two years ago and has passed her first examination.