Home Places Churches and Chapels Compliment to Wombwell Stalwart

Compliment to Wombwell Stalwart

July 1929

Mexborough and Swinton Times July 19, 1929

Compliment to Wombwell Stalwart

A well-earned tribute to a Methodist stalwart was paid at the Hemingfield Church last Saturday, when the members net to celebrate the jubilee of Mr. John Carr.

In the afternoon an address of compliment was delivered by Mr. J. Eaton Feasy of Sheffield and after afterwards a large party of workers and friends partook of a celebration tea.

The felicitations were continued in the evening when the speakers were the Rev. W. Parkinson, Messrs. A. J. Wroe, E. Tune, J. Eaton Feasy and J. W. Fairhurst. Mr. G. Gill, of Conisborough, presided.

Entertainment was provided by Mrs. R. Gill (soprano), Master Howard Dawson (violinist), and. Mr. E. Valley (elocutionist).

High tributes were paid to Mr. Carr’s devotion to ‘religious exercises, his loyalty to the church, his abiding concern for the welfare of the young people and the high personal example he has set as a member of the community.

During the evening Mr. A.Wroe presented to Mr. Farr the Sunday School Union’s long service diploma. In addition several other gifts of tributes were handed to Mr. Carr. From the Hemingfield Wesleyan Sunday School he received a gold medal and from the members an oak and silver ink stand; inscribed “To Mr            John Carr, in recognition of 50 years’ service as a teacher”; while from the Primary department he received what will be and highly prized possession in the volume, “Rules for Daily Life.”

Nor was Mr Carr omitted in the extending of compliments. From the Sunday School she received a oak and silver salad bowl, and from the “Bright Hour” a silver cake stand. During the ceremonies a bouquet of fresh flowers was handed to her.

Mr. Carr is a native of Wombwell, being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carr, an old Wombwell family. He commenced his career in church work with Wombwell Wesleyans, but moved over to Hemingfield some thirty years ago. Altogether he has served fifty years without a break, and is still in harness as Superintendent and class leader. He has held practically every office in the church. Mr. Carr is a member of the office staff at Wombwell Main Colliery and one, of the         firm’s oldest servants.