Barnsley Independent – Saturday 21 June 1919
Wombwell Medical Report
The Medical Officer for Wombwell reports that for the four weeks ending May 24th, there have been 17 deaths in the township, giving a death rate of 113 per 1,000 per anum, the principal causes being as follows:
Heart 4; Phthisis 3; Apoplexy 2; Influenza 2; Meningitis 2; Cancer and all others, 4. There were two infantile deaths due to area and tubercular meningitis.
Twenty four births were registered, 12 by and 12 girls or 16 per 1.000 per annum.
The epidemic and now disappeared, but there were two deaths primarily due to influenza. Three cases of scarlet lover occurred, all being removed to hospital, and one cased hole influenza pneumonia and one of pneumonia were notified. Two cases of pulmonary and one of non-pulmonary tuberculosis were also notified, and there was one admission and one discharge from sanatorium. Six of measles and four of German measles were notified, all by medical men.